Thursday, January 7, 2010

WINTER HOLIDAYS part one JiNgLe bEllS~

~~winter holidays~~
23December2009-6 January 2010
AroUnD ChRistmaS

20 DECEMBER 2009
mmm.. now who would have thought I would be celebrating christmas at a chapel. Not christmas day though, Just the 'pre'-celebrations.

Laurel made the cakes. Which were red! 1st time I saw cakes with that colour.

Actually I wasn't going to go to the mini 'christmas party' which was held in the evening cause I felt it was kinda meaningless to just go there and eat and pay 500yen. But then, Joyce and I got invited by Yumi to go over to her house to help make cookies. So....

. We just used the Morinaga brand dough to make the cookies so it was easy peasy.

the 'feel' of the place

the first turkey i ever eaten! laurel made it

Second day of holidays and I went over to Laurel's new place. I'm kinda happy for her that she managed to moved out from her in-laws place though they were good people. And though her new place is less than a five minute walk from the in-laws place. But still... its her own place ^^ so yay!! We shared a takoyaki machine for her home-warming party. And made more than 40 takoyakis... With Joyce around, the food is always more than the demand... and not to mention prettier (costly).

laurel, me, joyce

In return, Laurel taught us how to make mexican tortillas...which i don't have much recollection on. But still, I'm sure it'll come to me sooner or later ww


Anonymous said...

'ww' at the end of the post de. does it mean LOL in japanese? =D


teng said...

mm.. its like a smiley face actually =w=... haha the shape of the mouth? the japs use ww a lot

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