Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fairytale Castle, Innsbruck, Swarovski Museum

Road trip to Neuschwantein Castle and Innsbruck 
And so nearly 2 full months after returning to Japan, I finally have the mood and time to write again. Of course memory fades so I don't really remember as much as I wanted to write down so lucky you will be spared of the dreary details.

Sunrise from my uni dorm room. Definitely the most dazzling sunrise that had greeted me in a long long while. We went to fetch the car which IY had pre-booked. Super happy that we are driving there instead of the original plan to take public transportation because all the worthwhile spots are scattered along the way.

Chiemsee Lake, our first stop! I was hoping for a green water lake but this looked a lot more like the sea. We're already in Germany at this point btw.

M helped to create the background by tossing her handmade muffin to the seagulls. *sniff*

There it is. Our pretty fairytale castle perched between the snowy-capped mountains.  M kindly suggested to stop the car when she saw I was trying to get a good picture.

The town where the castle was located was dreamy as well.

Hohenswangau Castle-The other castle which is also located within walking distance. We were confused at first and wondered if this was the fairytale castle. It looks like a lego castle to me^^. Pity its cuteness is dimmed by the much more famous Neuschwanstein Castle.

Since you cannot drive up to the doors of the castle, you can either hike your way up the hill (40mins) or take the shuttle bus with an arbitrary schedule. We waited for nearly 30 minutes without knowing if the bus would really come and finally gave up and started leaving when the bus showed up and we all scampered back.
 There's a bridge especially to admire the castle from afar.

On our way to the castle. Really like this shot.

The door of the castle. The reviews online mostly said the tour inside the castle wasn't worth it so we didn't bothered to go in.

ga-ga-ga Finally a green-water lake! The sun was already setting so it was getting less and less greener by the second.. I forgot what's the name of this lake.. Plansee maybe? It was on our way to Innsbruck from the castle.
Didn't want to upload this photo as I don't want my dear bf to be jealous...but my legs soooo thin here, how can I resist??
Some creative couple poses to be remembered :D
On our way back to Innsbruck we saw a lot snow-capped mountains. It was kind of funny to remember how desperate I was to catch a glimpse of them back in Nepal when it's just almost everywhere in this area.

DAY 2 - Innsbruck, Swarovski Museum

Weehee~ I've lusted after this museum after I first saw it on 9gag. 

Many hard to understand art inside.


mini maze behind the museum
Though I enjoyed the museum, I wouldn't say it was worth the price of the entrance ticket. It was mostly art pieces made with crystals. Would definitely have been nicer if they write about where the crystals come from, how they manufacture and design it etc.

Olympic ski jump

 It was a wet and gloomy day and rained on and off so the main attraction of  Innsbruck, the capital of alps was nowhere to be seen. With normal good weather you would be able to see the majestic alps surrounding the town.

Whereas with my friends here I would have to think twice before inviting a new friend to join ina trip, these guys really made me feel welcome.. always making sure I'm not left out and would apologize profusely whenever they accidentally talked in spanish. I feel damn lucky to have met them^^

rental car :                133euro/5ppl
gasoline :                    79euro/5ppl
hostelling international : 25euro
swarovski museum :      11euro

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