Sunday, January 30, 2011

Snowboard 交流会 trip

jan 30 

okay.. i totally know i should be studying (exam coming up in 2 weeks!) and not writing this right now.. but i can't help it!! 

i just came back from a weekend snowboard trip! and still a bit titsy dizzy from the warm fuzzy feeling in me (*^-^*)
my akashi college has this trip for us foreign students every year. usually it's only us and our tutors (japanese) but this year by chance it happened to be my college's turn to hold the kinki area foreign students 交流会. meaning 3 other college which are in kinki area (the name of the area i'm in) got to join us (minus the tutors) as well. 
(pui san, wei chean, sa lao, zhong ing)

so.. i get to meet pui san and jj again! less than one month since our last meeting when they both sneaked into my girls' dorm XD.

(zhong ing, ariff, wei chean, me!)

we were only allowed to snowboard for 2 hours on saturday =(. they split us into a few groups and had an instructor to teach us.  which wasn't as helpful as i thought it would be as the snowboard  instructor kept holding us back wanting us to group together before teaching us - which was annoying cause it meant we have to wait for 10 ppl before we do anything. it was really time-consuming and low efficiency (so forgive me.. i can't help it.. in mechanical study, we devote our life and strain our brain to ensure the efficiency is max at all time ).

a few of us dumped him and went off to play ourselves after i found out he didn't really have much to teach us..  
thought he would teach us some cool tricks... mana tahu all he planned for us is the 'S' curve ==.

(me, wei chean)

today (sunday) we got to play for 3 hours... so in total the hours we spend on snowboarding is less than the time we spent to get here and back from akashi. but i'm not complaining =).

and here's us in our lame wears!!

pui san got the exact wear i super love last year ^^. 
haha  kinda funny when i was handed the ugly wear and i rejected it saying i want the one i had last year and described it to the person in charge only to see pui san's name on it this year haha. they only had one of that type.

jj suffering from his wear XD

me trying to put a smile on him

for sat night we just had dinner followed by a short self-intro by everyone.  malaysians really are so humorous.. i only learn to appreciate their sense of humour after coming here. i used to thought everyone in the world are just as funny.

glad akashi didn't try attempt any lame activities to make us mix with everyone else.

the highlights of this trip?

jj slamming the table on sat nite,

got yummy yummy CNY peanut cookies from ps (>w<*),

and finally
(me, otogo, dulguun, odkhuu,weichean ,ariff and photographer zhong ing)
the akashi no holds barred snowball fights which will linger in my memory for a while to come =). 1st real snowball fights in my life ^^. if only it snows in akashi haha... the guys will cry from us gals' attacks everyday i'm sure hehe.
i will miss these members a lot.

OK! enough.. gotta go back to reality. 
time to hit the books! 

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