Wednesday, September 22, 2010

korea day six

dongdaemun & 1/2 seoul tower & namdaemun

oh, how have i longed for this day!
finally.... DONGDAEMUN! seoul's shopping heaven that's opened from 10 am to 5am!
isn't that sooo cool??  dongdaemun is actually a retail and wholesale shopping district so supposedly the prices are cheaper at wee hours in the morning.

the pic on the right is something we spot on our way to the malls. seems like the station we got off at is a bit further away than from where we should be

there's many many 'xiao chi' in seoul which is normal in malaysia but for us who have been starved in japan for so long.. it's paradise!
mamak stalls and pasar malam are probably one of the things i really miss about kl

2000won (rm5.3) only! (ok.. now that i've converted it to ringgit it's not actually that cheap but when we converted it to japanese yen it's so unbeliavably cheap!) . plus it was quite a lot so we shared each bowl between two people.

dongdaemun is a rather huge shopping district but there's actually only two malls catered for us youngsters called hello!apm and goodmorningcity. weird names for malls. must be because they are opened till dawn or something.

dong sheng asked for my hairband after he saw me wearing it on the neck.
we spilt up with the guys here and entered our first heaven, hello!apm, vowing to meet up at the entrance door after 3 hours.

we girls were only 15 minutes late!
i ish so proud of us!!

as you can see in this photo the shops were more like small boothes. no doors. no wasted space. very efficient! every step you take everywhere you look -  it's clothes!!!

a view i never got to enjoy.
sze yang and dong sheng apparently finished the mall within an hour and spent the next two wondering around.

a little meal at a chinese restaurant together before we once again leave the guys for another 3 hours while we attacked goodmorningcity. they threaten to leave us behind this time if we were late again.

the guys hiding behind some monument thing trying to scare us gals into thinking they have gone ahead without us (assuming we would be late again)

which failed when they reveal theirselves after mistaking us gals knew they were hiding there when we glanced at that direction. hmph!! and to think we took the effort to come out 10 minutes earlier than our promised time!
enlarge the photo and you'd be able to see the five of us innocently waiting for them!

united once again, we then proceded to namdaemun by the subway.
seoul tower (the one we were supposed to go on our second day) is supposedly within walkable distance from namdaemun.
we gave up right away when we saw the road we use take leads uphill for a solid 20minutes.

returned to namdaemun which actually looks more like a market than shopping area. it was kinda small so we didn't spend much time there.

btw... this is what the guys watched while we gals were innocently shopping.. really now!


TSL said...

very entertaining..hahaha.. keeps me entertained while waiting for my rendering. Posts on day 7-10 coming up next?

叶子 said...

finally I saw a plc dat I knw, dongdaemun!! hehe..I wil rmb to shop at hello!apm and goodmorningcity next tm i go korea for sure. n guess i wil look around ur posts again b4 i go korea so dat wun miss any interesting thr.V(^__^)V Hey make a post bout wat u bought at korea!!

teng said...

wow.. so long since heard anything from u.. kelian hear u sleep 3 hours only in 2 days?? xiao ah

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