Aptly named so, this post will be about one of the biggest part of my life lately- my part time job as a hotel hall waitress.
my pay: 1100yen (rm40) per hour
as a hall waitress, i dont have to take orders from customers which i'm really grateful for as i have zero confidence in catching what the customers are saying. i only have jobs when the hotel has bookings for banquets by companies or associations etc.
each shift minimum 4 hours in where
the 1st hour is spent on last preparations for the banquet such as
>the coffee cups task
1. fetch the coffee cups rack, coffe cups plates, spoons, cream and sugar packets
2. put together all of those in trays in according to the number of guests on each table> and there is also the wet towel task - a simple task that can completed by the following steps
1. fetching the wet towel's small tray, then the wet towel itself from the 4th floor 2. spraying the tray with alcohol, wipe
3. rip open the wet towel packets, put each wet towel on the tray
4.and finally putting the tray on the table so that the frilly side is facing away from the customer
>and lastly the bar tasks which
1. i don't even wanna begin..
then the banquet itself which usually last 2 hours where i dedicate my life and soul to ensure the customer enjoys their meal to the fullest by constantly pestering if they want any drinks, memorizing the brand of liquor they chose for their 1st round of drinks so i can replenish by only asking "shall i get you another drink of the same one?" instead of "what would you like to drink?" (therefore showing the customers our dedication to them), clearing away used dishes so they can eat new dishes(food) on new dishes(plates) , making sure the ashtrays contains no more than 3 cigarette butts at any time... the list goes on
then the last hour in clearing the hall, and arrangeing the setting for the next banquet which would be held on the same day or the following day. which i dont even know how to even begin explaining. it might run a few pages if i attempt to describe it
i used to love the last part when i still wasnt used to serving the customers cause even if i make a mistake there it wouldnt matter that much. but now that i'm not scared of serving customers anymore this part become one i dread most because most life energy is spent in dragging the table and chairs, rushing around
I've been doing this job for.. 2 months plus? i still remember my 1st job was on 10th october with the interview itself a week before it. the interview was rather hilarious.
i remember arriving at the front of the hotel flower shop i was told to meet up at and not a single soul was there. i kept wondering if i had messed up the meet-up time or spot.
the interviewer, toyomoto came shortly afterwards though.
i was the only interviewee.
The Toyomoto guy then "ok, now first of all please remember to use this back-door entrance which the employees are compelled to use..
i was like woah..wait wait.. does this mean i'm hired? I mean he hadn't even read my resume which i spent one pain-staking hour writing.. and rewriting...or asked about how many shifts i can put in per week.
Toyomoto then procede to inform me that sakatani (a guy in my class) and another 4 other akashi kosen students are working there as well( ̄△ ̄;). Oh well.. there goes my plan to lie about my current apricot head as my natural hair colour (the job require black hair, no perms)
As if he could read my mind, he then smiles charmingly and asks
"is that your natural hair colour?"
damn.. busted.
and so my wig life begins (^^)/

muh wig...
which i ordered online
which costed me around rm150
which turned out NOTHING like the picture
which i have already cut into a bob style *tee-hee*
because of the hair length, i still had to tie it into a pony tail and blabla..
plus i look like an aunty wearing it..
in the end i couldnt take it anymore and just chop it with the scissors.
it looks better now.
i should have been a hairstylist...
oya i'm quite satisfied with my wig now but i dont have a photo of me wearing it and i'm too lazy to makeup and put the wig on now just to take a photo of it either so.. till next time!